WE are seeking new content for 2017!



After a long hiatus from the blog, the site is in the process of developing updated content for 2017. Please feel free to contact me via email with any upcoming food events, restaurant review requests, or culinary event coverage and/or food product review requests to SAVOR (at) Vivalafoodies.com for potential coverage and consideration.  I will do my best to get back to everyone. Also if you have a food, wine, mixology or beer events or anything food related that you would like added to our upcoming events calendar please send over any event webpages, eventbrite pages or other ticket link websites and we will do our best to include in our calendar feature. For any other food related events in and around Los Angeles please feel free to add to the Viva LA Foodies group page on Facebook.

Adam Rubenstein

founder and content creator for Viva LA Foodies,

A food and lifestyle blog website based in Los Angeles 

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