The Hangover Man Truck | The Cure for Los Angeles’s Hangovers!


Truck Name: The Hangover Man Truck powered by Function Drinks!!

Truck Specialty:

Curing Los Angeles’s Hangovers one bottle of Urban Detox at a time.

Truck Mission/about:

Function says it best:

“The Hangover Man is on a mission to rid the city of hangovers, one party person at a time. He roams the streets at night with his GPS set for “fun” and when he arrives at his destination, he showers party-goers with Function’s hangover-fighting formula, Urban Detox.” Look for the F-team, on a corner near you!

Truck operators & Team:

Joey Steger(Function Drinks, Director of Marketing Events, Promotions, and POS)

and Pearl Wible(Function Drinks, Director of Marketing / Brand Manager)

Payment: Urban Detox, compliments of Function Drinks, Street Team, Los Angeles division

Truck neighborhood coverage: Westside, Northside, Southside, Eastside…. Wherever there is a Party(in Los Angeles that is).

Thinking of throwing a party?, why not Invite The Hangover Man to attend your party!! He may creep up in the middle of the night with none other than Urban Detox to sober up all of your friends, or at least try.

If this gets you the slightest bit thirsty, than email or tweet him and maybe he will come @functiondrinks. Give them the time and location of your party and you may just get a late night visit!

Menu breakdown:  Likes, must haves, etc…

Mains: There is only one thing on this menu and it is: URBAN DETOX, available in Flavors:

Prickly Pear, Pomegranate Cherry and Goji Berry

Function: Urban Detox was created by physicians to tackle the dreaded symptoms of a hangover. Super antioxidant NAC breaks down toxins in your liver, prickly pear extract is a natural anti-inflammatory, and the patented Rapid Re-hydration formula replenishes the electrolytes lost after a night on the town. It works best when you drink it post-party, but can be enjoyed 24 hours a day. As a bonus, Urban Detox also helps to clear airborne pollution from lungs and sinuses!

Sides/Extras: More Urban Detox and if you are lucky a cold bottle of Function Water or Function Light Weight in Acai Pomegranate or other flavors! Buy online here.

Average item price: Free from The Hangover Man, about $1.89 in stores like Whole Foods, CVS, and Bristol Farms

Truck contact info:

The Hangover Man’s beat is currently Southern California and you can track his whereabouts on twitter: @functiondrinks.

Twitter: Tweet up with the Hangover Man @functiondrinks.



Private events:

Want the Hangover man at your next event?, than email or tweet him and maybe he will come @functiondrinks. Give them the time and location of your party and you may just get a late night visit!

Strangest question asked: Do you have any booze I can mix my Function with? Sorry guys, Drink Function Urban Detox before you drink and after to put that eminent hangover at bay.

Special Thanks:

Thanks to Joey and Pearl for keeping me informed about this project from inception to its roll out and my ride along last month for the AVP Hermosa Beach Volleyball Open. We blew through a record number of cases and I had the pleasure of being a guest DJ. I was cutting it up while taking pictures and passing out the occasional drink. Thanks Function Drinks for having us along and for being an unofficial sponsor of Until the next party, Hangover Man. Over and Out!

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