Nimbus; See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil


Nimbus Beer, a local Arizona favorite has branched out from its small city, Tucson roots to your local Bevmo(Beverages and More). Marissa and I discovered this local favorite while we were back in college at the University of Arizona. We were initiated into the secret world of Nimbus beer after a round of golf with her dad, Erik. Located in an industrial section of Tucson, Arizona the Brewery is inconspicuously hidden amongst industrial buildings and refineries. The only demarcation is the Nimbus monkey painted silo out in front of its typical business park locale. Once inside the smell of hops, beer nuts, popcorn and pub fare engulfs the senses. The Nimbus followers are loyal to the Monkey. The entire line of micro-brews offer something unique for beer drinkers. The beer line includes:

Dirty Guera(Blonde Ale)
Pale Ale
Red Ale
Brown Ale
Oatmeal Stout
Old Monkeyshine

The entire spectrum offers something for every beer lover. If you want something light I recommend the Dirty Guera. For a dark alternative try the Oatmeal Stout. To find your perfect match  I suggest trying the sampler. That way you get a taste of all that Nimbus has to offer. The Brewery offers “Growlers” for you take home some drafty goodness. Once you discover Nimbus you will appreciate one of America’s great craft brews. Support your local micro-brew and join the Nimbus Legion!

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