LA Street Food Festival| Did you make it in?


Last Saturday’s “LA Street Food Festival” was the hot ticket in Los Angeles for die hard foodies and food truck followers. Street food is here for the long haul and this event proved that fact. Crowds turned out in droves for the event and as in the theory of Darwinism, “Survival of the fittest” was the name of the game.
As I write this, I am taking my hat off to the festival directors, Shawna Dawson(SauceLA) & Sonja Rasula(UNIQUE LA) for creating this event and promoting it to the masses through their social media efforts. VivaLAfoodies was fortunate to get in and get the scoop while experiencing the sheer foodie madness that comes with being a Mobile Food junky here in Los Angeles.
We had several great on and off truck interviews with vendors and highlights included meeting with Maxon Smith from TastyMeat(owner/chef), TK(owner) with Fishlips Sushi and Michelle Grant, “The Cheese Executive Officer” from The Grilled Cheese Truck. All provided insight into their operations, routes and more importantly provided us with samples of what they do best. All trucks are at different phases of operation, but they all have one thing in common and that is, a passion for their businesses as well as being a part of the mobile food vendor community in Los Angeles and bringing a quality product to Angelinos looking for tasty bites around town at their favorite venues. Stay tuned for “Food Truck Profiles” on the above trucks in my “Street Food LA” section real soon.
During our whirlwind endeavor, we saw our friends from “The Fry Girl“(Shelley Beals and Donnell Brown) in VIP and the sight of the donut cart brought back memories from our photo-shoot a few weeks ago. While we were in VIP we had a great chat with Alex Chu from the “Dim Sum Truck” and had a taste of what him and his team will be bringing to LA real soon.
It was also great to have some moments to chill out with some of our Foodie Friends and members of the VivaLAfoodies Crew. Without you guys we would just be a website without a pulse.
Adam Rubenstein & Joe briscoe from
ron ascoli and vivalafoodies
adam rubenstein(vivalafoodies) & mike ruiz(chef life clothing)
I couldn’t have captured the days events without my partner in crime, Zach Schueller from Zach Schueller Photography. His lens just about provides smell-i-vision and the images from the day capture the essence of this food movement and how some people will endure any line for a tasty bite. Keep in mind, these are not the “Roach Coaches” of yester-year. In fact, they are mobile diners for today’s modern on the go food fanatic.

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