Get up, Stand up,for your rights at LAX


groundwork small
groundwork LAX
Angelinos, as most of you know Los Angeles International Airport(aka: LAX) is undergoing a major overhaul and is seeking vendors for its various terminals to provide goods and services to the travelers that pass through this major hub daily. What you don’t know if that some businesses being considered are from outside of our city and state. This means that money that is spent in California by way of Los Angeles will go outside our state to other economies. Help fight for Los Angeles and California business to stay within our state by way of our great city of Angeles. This translates to more LA jobs and a better economy for us.
groundwork LAX
Please view the link below that was provided by Groundwork Coffee Company, a local, fair trade, Eco-conscious and kosher vendor that is lobbying for your support of this bill that is up for approval by the Airport Commissioner and the Board of Airport Commissioners.
If you want to see these changes as early at 2011. Click here and send a letter of interest and support to the members of the Los Angeles, City Council

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