X Is The Weapon presents “EXHIBIT X”, a group exhibition showcasing the intersection of Art, Music, Food and Film for Japan Relief


Artist’s, Musician’s & Foodie’s unite once again, but this time we are slightly outside of Los Angeles City Limits in the OC and will be supporting Japan Relief efforts while mashing up Food x Art x Lifestyle x Music x Culture.
Please also join Viva LA Foodies & The Love Alone’s “MEEXONE” for our official collaborative “LA FOODIE” Tee Shirt Launch Party inside the Art Show, in conjunction with a “Live Printing Station” provided courtesy of our friends at Inked In Tees.

Bring your own recycled tee for discounted pricing or purchase a “New Shirt” at the event. Special pricing for those that follow & live mention/tweet: @vivalafoodies, @inkedintees, @meexone, @june_22 during the event.

August 6, 2011 (SANTA ANA, CALIF) – X Is The Weapon presents “EXHIBIT X”, a group
exhibition showcasing the intersection of Art, Music and Film.
The Opening reception will take place at the Historic Spurgeon Building & coincide with the Downtown Santa Ana Art Walk from 6-11 pm.
Featuring the work of:
Artemis Nolasco, Daniella Manini, Exile, Jonas Lynch, Jouvon Michael, June22, Meex One, Puede One, Rally Hog & 5 yr. old, Tesia Ziobrowski

Music from: Cumbias and Hip Hop to Reggae and DubStep being provided by: Bishop, Dawit Justice, Ras Sal, Mr. Chinn, Rich Spirit Revelli & Soluz
Film presentation: Exile’s “Population Control” (highlighted at 2011 LA Film Festival)

Live silk screening: InkedInTees.com
Food Trucks: hosted by VivaLAfoodies.com(Full Food Truck List Coming Soon).
Dogzilla Hot Dogs just added will bring their Asian-American Street Fusion Hot Dogs to the party.

The Chunk ‘N Chip Truck will be bringing there famous “booyahs”, their interpretation of the way an ice-cream sandwich should be. They are serving their “Cuba Libre” which is a snicker doodle cookie w/guava & goat cheese ice cream.

Alcohol infused Ice-cream will also be provided by our friends from Drunken Udder. From Savory to Sweet we will have it all!

X Is The Weapon Studios located at
206 W. 4th Street, suite 419, Santa Ana, California, 92799
(near the corner or W. 4th Street & N. Sycamore)
Portion of proceeds go directly to assist with support of Tsunami victims in rural and
urban Japan via Calafia Zulus & Universal Zulu Nation Japan. JAPAN STILL NEEDS
For more information, please visit xistheweapon.info
Register at Eventbrite for raffle prize opportunities: http://xistheweapon.eventbrite.com/
Our event is also on ArtSlant

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