Conquering Sugar Addiction with Kelly Keough: Episode 3


This time of year is great for spending time with family, and usually we like to stuff our faces with holiday treats. What would happen if instead of ingesting food from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.,) we ate something more like, oh, I don’t know, maybe raw Pumpkin Pies with a bit of cream on top? But how about, instead of average whip cream which leaves you feeling congested and prone to flu like symptoms, you put some “cashew cream” on top? Don’t knock it until you try it! I got to sample these treats that Kelly Keough whipped up for us in class. As with everything else I’ve tried of hers, I definitely prefer it over the stuff we’ve all been accustomed to. When the pie crust is put through a dehydrator, which Kelly says she “can’t live without,” it retains it’s freshness. The temperature of a dehydrator is usually around 100 to 110, so that the ingredients retain their vivacity, and the enzymes and antioxidants, etc. that are so necessary for good health don’t get cooked to death. (The standard for Raw food is below 117 degrees farenheit.) Kelly recommended that if we didn’t have a dehydrator, we could start off by using the stove, but heating it at lower temperatures then usual.

Stephanie, a homemaker from Thousand Oaks, figures it’s worth the 40 + miles commute to real raw live for Kelly Keough’s classes. She’s been to the 2 previous classes I’ve written about, and is back today for more. “I’ve made all of the recipes 10 times or more, except the peanut butter cups, because they keep so well in the fridge, I’ve got plenty left.” I told her I was impressed. “I’ve been doing the raw thing a long time,” she said. But like anything worth learning, there’s always more to grasp. That’s why Kelly’s class is a diamond in the rough, and there’s a lot of wisdom to be mined from what she teaches.

At Real Raw Live this past Sunday, Kelly was talking about a woman who is one of the wealthiest women on the planet, and has battled weight loss unsuccessfully for a long period of time. Who is that? Oprah Winfrey. If only she could have some of Kelly’s raw products in her pocketbook, “she would eat that instead of craft services. She has the world at her fingertips. All the money in the world. Access to all the psychologists, diet centers, trainers, and she still has the same problem. What is it? Sugar Addiction.” That is something most of us can relate to.

She went on to describe sugar addiction as a disease, of spiritual, mental, and physical extraction. And raw/ vegan food being a tool that can help this addiction, by providing tasty alternatives- foods that in my own estimation are better than what we’ve been used to eating in the Standard American diet.

Stay tuned for next year’s classes. And if you can’t think of what to buy your loved ones for the holidays, buy Kelly’s cookbook at Or maybe you can buy it for yourself as a kick off for the New Year’s Resolutions, which should include a healthier you.

Article courtesy of Jeremy Ferrick our Raw Food Correspondent

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Article courtesy of Jeremy Ferrick our Raw Food Correspondent

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