Orochon “Special #2” Revisited | Round 2…FIGHT!


vivalafoodies.com orochon ramen challenge
The date: December 15, 2009
The time: 3:50pm
The location: Orochon Ramen, Little Tokyo, Los Angeles
The challenge: To finish an Orochon Ramen, “Special #2” in 30 minutes
Outcome: Completed the bowl of Orochon Ramen, Special #2 at 4:20pm
orochon ramen menu
My date with the Orochon Challenge(aka: “Special #2”) came quicker than anticipated. After some convincing from Luis Castro, friend, foodie and latest conqueror of the Orochon challenge, I decided that I was ready to attempt the “Spicy” Ramen to prove to myself that I could tolerate the ultimate in spice and heat.
adam rubenstein and luis castro vivalafoodies.com
I mentally prepared for the challenge and even ate spicy chili peppers to get my intense heat tolerance up a notch. In the end, preparation only goes so far and sheer adrenaline and motivation are your only guides.
orochon ramen special #2
When my soup arrived at our cozy table it was epic in size and far larger than envisioned. and I must say that nothing compares to the face to face meeting of the Special #2. To put things into perspective it was roughly three times larger than i had pictured and appeared far spicier with it’s brick red colored broth and abundant presence of Serrano chile peppers. Despite my reservations at this point I was committed to taking down the explosively hot concoction and could not turn back.
adam rubenstein at Orochon
Equipped with an Asian spoon, a plastic fork and “The Final Countdown” by Europe playing looped in the background I was well on my way. All I could think was mind over matter and I consumed all of the solids, then began chugging the hellishly hot and spicy broth. Gulp after gulp I felt like I was making a dent, but unfortunately had only made limited headway. I muscled through for the next 25 minutes and completed the challenge in the allotted time of 30 minutes and was now one of the proud 1% of 20,000 that have accomplished the “Special #2” and now have my photo displayed on the wall of fame. Pain and agony were to follow but the old saying is correct; “No Pain, No Gain”….. Now that’s what you call a 4:20 bowl!
Bring your determination to Orochon and try it for yourself. Will you be victorious? or will the “Special #2” defeat you?
Orochon Ramen
123 Onizuka Street Los Angeles, CA 90012-3846
(213) 617-1766
Open Daily 11:30am-10:15pm

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